November 8, 2013
Students in E&EB 460/461 have returned from their summer internships and are writing up their results.
- Divya Balaji: Understanding barriers to methadone assisted treatment among female injecting drug users in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Ryan Boyko: The role of transmission via domestic animals in hookworm incidence in Ghana (Ghana)
- Alaric D’Souza: Investigation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission and drug resistance using next-generation sequencing (Basel, Switzerland)
- Dylan Duchen: Sequencing of immune-related iron transport genes in wild rodents and exploring their potential role in a host-pathogen evolutionary arms race of iron sequestration (Liverpool, UK)
- Amara Frumkin: An investigation of the relationship between female urogenital schistosomiasis (FUS) and HIV transmission in rural Tanzanian women (Mwanza, Tanzania)
- Shuaib Raza: The relationship between preoperative chemotherapy and postoperative pain (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Stacy Scheuneman: Experimental evolution of oncoselectivity of MPVp5 viral capsid in B57-mel cells (at Yale)
- Elisa Visher: Human genetic variation in innate immune response to infection with Salmonella and Listeria (Montreal, Canada)
- Natasha Wenzel: The seasonal re-emergence of Nipah virus from flying foxes (at Yale)